
NTOA Conference 2023

DAV had a wonderfully successful experience at the National Tactical Officers Association Conference, meeting new contacts from around the country and around the world (including Dubai, Singapore, and Canada), spending time with some of our favorite clients, and enjoying our fellow exhibitors’ tiny drones, robot dogs, and armored breaching vehicles!

DAV’s exhibitor table highlighted the extensive training program for tactical rope operations, tactical tracking, mountain and cave operations. Since DAV conducts qualification courses for International Technical Rescue Association, information on ITRA programs was also distributed.

The DAV tactical mobility harness was showcased utilizing the new rope climbing demonstration frame fabricated by one of our instructors. Specialized equipment from Anthron, Sterling, and Petzl was also demonstrated.

We are looking forward to a robust training year in 2024!


Tactical Tracking Training in North Carolina

Just completed teaching a week long course for North Carolina Emergency Management in Winter Law Enforcement Operations. The focus is on tactical man-tracking operations in a back country winter / mountain environment. This is one of the core training programs developed by Direct Action Vertical. Topics included track patterns, action indicators, counter ambush formations, camouflage, winter operations.